BRAUNSCHWEIG – NÖRDLICHES RINGGEBIET – The project provides for a new form of urbanity, whereby the redesign of physical connections is a main priority. All interpersonal relationships and the social life are considered and prioritised, as well as fostering new synergies and cohesions. Physical and psychological limitations can hereby be overcome, and the natural exchange between generations, friends and relatives is simplified and specifically stimulated.All these goals are based on various strategies, which among themselves form strong synergies: all centrally located buildings are destined for mixed-use purposes and therefore combine apartments with spaces for commercial and creative use. All entrances and connections between buildings are exclusively reachable via foot, and therefore promote a more intense level of interaction in natural ways, where encounters between the generations and the different groups of inhabitants become day-to-day normality. The morphological structure of all foot- and bike-paths will also be extended to the surrounding quarters, which include the university campus and the city centre. In order to complete the quality of life of the quarter and to guarantee the success of the redesigned connections, a synergy of alternatively rethought and compact parking solutions will be introduced, as well as several car-sharing concepts and the connection to the public transport system.